My Tooth is Broken! What Should I Do?
If possible, the fractured piece should be found and preserved inside the mouth or a liquid such as milk or saline, the patient should go to the dental clinic in under 30 minutes. Pressure needs to be applied with sterile gause if there is any bleeding on the area. If the tooth relocates in its alveolus, the patient should try to reposition the tooth to its old location with mild finger pressure. This is done only as first aid without using excessive force. Broken teeth, dislocated teeth, injuries on mouth tissue are conditions that occur while playing sports such as football or basketball. Mouth guards are recommended for children participating in sports. Mouthguards are denture-like devices which cover the teeth surface and protect the teeth against impact. It is highly recommended for children who especially have bigger incisors and unfit for orthodontic treatments.
I got a tooth extracted today. Is there anything I need to do?
Keep the sterile gause on your teeth at the extraction site by firmly biting for about 40 minutes. You need to swallow the saliva building up inside your mouth during this time. After a while, the gause may become soaked with the saliva and blood in your mouth. However, you have to keep the gause on the spot. Because, if gause is moved or changed, it can dislocate the blood clot and the wound may start bleeding again.
If the bleeding hasn't stopped yet after extraction, what should I do?
When the time comes to remove the gause, if the bleeding hasn't stopped yet, change the gause by applying more pressure on the extraction site, and bite the gause. Thanks to the hour-long pressure from adjacent teeth, the bleeding will stop. Normally, it is possible to observe spit in the blood 24 hours after the procedure. During this time, if there is heavy bleeding or bloody spit after 24 hours, inform your dental professional.
When shall I brush my teeth after a surgical procedure?
You shouldn't use a toothbrush on the surgical area. After the bleeding stops, you can softly brush the other remaining areas in your mouth. Due to the fact that brushing the wound will cause bleeding and compromise the defense of your body against trauma, it is essential to show great care for refraining from brushing the wound before the stitches are removed.
Will I Experience Pain After Surgical Procedure Or Tooth Extraction?
Usually, there will be pain after the procedures. For this reason, it is recommended to use (non-diluent) painkillers except aspirin. Sometimes, intense pain may be experienced 48-72 hours after extraction along with bad sense of taste and malodor. If the pain lingers on, you should contact your dental professional for dressing. Poor oral hygiene and smoking may cause this condition. It is highly recommended to avoid smoking for as long as possible after the procedure.
There is swelling and bruising on my face. What should I do?
It is normal to have swelling after a surgical procedure. Bruising may occur in addition to swelling. During the healing process, it changes color yellow from green in several days. Extraction site will heal without leaving any scars in a week to 10 days. In the first 48 hours, a pressure is applied to the adjacent area with an ice pack in order to prevent swelling and bruising. A tissue or handkerchief should be placed between the ice pack and the face during the ice application. Ice pack should be put away for about 5 minutes every 10-15 minutes. When lying down, you should rest your head higher than usual. Putting a couple of pillows under your head is the recommended method when lying on your back.
What kind of diet should I follow after the procedure?
Following surgicla procedures and tooth extraction, you should consume soft food and fluids. Avoid consuming too hot or too cold food or beverages since it can trigger bleeding.
I got stitches. How should I care for them?
During the surgical procedure, you may get several stitches on your wound. These stitches may sometimes be absorbable by your body and no removal will be needed. If it is not the absorbable type, they will generally be removed between 7 to 10 days. You should refrain from touching the area with your tongue, consuming solid food (or dairy products), spitting harshly or applying any kind of suction, fiddling with your stitches, brushing the area of your stitches, yawning widely and snoozing severely. Due to the fact that the stitch material can dictate whether they will be removed or not, the patient must carefully take heed of all the recommendations of the performing dentist.
Should I Use Any Medication After The Treatment?
The most important thing to bear in mind is to use your prescribed medication within the instructed time table. Especially for antibiotics, you should finish your pillbox completely unless instructed by your dentist. Consuming alcohol along with medication will diminish the effectiveness of the medication.
Recommendations Following Tooth Extraction
- After leaving the clinic, keep the gause on the exact location by firmly biting. If there is any bleeding, you can re-apply gause.
- Following the extraction, bleeding may occur for up to 4-6 hours. Keep the gause tampons given to you on your surgical area with mild pressure until the bleeding stops.
- After the extraction, keep your head on a high level if possible.
- Avoid consuming any food for at least 2 hours following the extraction and especially hot food after 2 hours.
- Avoid consuming alcohol or medication which can increase bleeding.
- Avoid smoking.
- If your dentist has recommended any medication, absolutely use them according to your dentist?s recommendations.
- If you encounter any issues (pain, excessive and extensive bleeding), contact your dental professional.