The increased amounts of glucose in patients with uncontrolled diabetes provide a comfortable environment for bacteria to reproduce. On some diabetic patients, saliva thickens and is reduced. As a result, the antiseptic cleaning process with saliva is interrupted. In addition, diabetes may affect venules over time, causing circulatory issues. Unable to receive enough blood, the gingiva becomes more susceptible to inflammation as well as a diminished rate of healing. High blood sugar is another factor which leaves the body defenseless to bacteria and slows the healing process. Diabetic patients have more than one factor causing oral health issues. Gingivitis may cause serious problems if it's not treated on time. Infections inside the mouth make it harder to control sugar and the condition becomes a vicious circle. Advanced cases of gingivitis are only treatable with surgical intervention.
Does Diabetes Hinder Teeth and Gingival Treatments?
Patients with uncontrolled diabetes need to be medically examined before dental treatment and glucose levels in the blood need to be adjusted. Only urgent treatment applications are recommended with antibiotics prophylaxis. Controlled diabetes and insulin usage are not direct obstacles or dangerous. However, delay in healing compared to normal individuals may be encountered. This period can go smoothly if the necessary precautions are taken.
How Can Teeth and Gingiva Problems Be Prevented In Diabetics?
In order to prevent gingiva, bacterial plaque needs to be eliminated by maintaining a good oral hygiene before anything else. Controlling diabetes will increase the gingiva's resistance against bacteria. In addition to regular oral hygiene maintenance, these patients should be under regular medical supervision.